Coreless vs Traditional Stretch Film: A Breakdown of the Key Advantages

traditional stretch film vs coreless

In today’s competitive landscape, warehouse and manufacturing efficiency are paramount. But did you know your choice of stretch film can significantly impact your bottom line and environmental footprint?

Traditionally, stretch film with cardboard cores has been the go-to for securing pallets. However, a newer option, coreless stretch film, is revolutionizing packaging with its focus on efficiency and sustainability.

Ready to cut costs, minimize waste, and streamline your operations?  This guide dives deep into the key differences between coreless and traditional stretch film, highlighting the advantages that could transform your business.

Traditional Stretch Film: A Recap

Traditional stretch film is omnipresent in warehousing, a go-to solution for unitizing pallets and securing goods. It typically consists of a large roll of plastic film wound around a cardboard core, offering different thicknesses and material types to cater to diverse cargo protection needs. While seemingly a vital tool, traditional stretch film comes with a set of inherent drawbacks that can add up over time.

One of the most pressing concerns with traditional stretch film is the amount of waste generated, primarily from the millions of cardboard cores used and discarded annually. This waste stream doesn’t just end with disposal; it results in both direct and indirect costs for businesses. Handling these rolls on a daily basis can also lead to user fatigue and, in some cases, pose safety issues due to their significant weight and bulk.

Coreless Stretch Film: The Innovative Alternative

Coreless stretch film, an innovative and eco-friendly alternative to its traditional counterpart. Without the need for cardboard cores, coreless film is lighter, more manageable, and generates significantly less environmental waste. It offers improved user ergonomics due to its reduced weight, making it a preferred choice for safety-conscious operations.

Coreless film not only addresses the sustainability and handling concerns but also provides potential cost savings, both in material and labor. The absence of a rigid core means more film can be wound onto a single roll, reducing the frequency of roll changes and increasing the operational efficiency of your packaging processes.

Coreless vs Traditional Stretch Film: A Side-by-Side Comparison

When considering the switch to coreless stretch film, a direct comparison is essential to fully grasp the tangible benefits. In a concise table format, we can discern the relative advantages in categories such as material waste, weight, user-friendliness, cost, and overall sustainability. Despite the similarity in their purpose, it becomes apparent that coreless stretch film offers a host of advantages that traditional film cannot compete with.

Feature Traditional Stretch Film
Coreless Stretch Film
Material Waste High – Cardboard cores contribute to landfill waste.
Low – No cardboard cores to dispose of.
Weight Heavier – Includes the weight of the cardboard core.
Lighter – Reduces shipping costs and handling effort.
User-Friendliness Bulky rolls can be difficult to handle and maneuver, leading to user fatigue.
Lighter rolls are easier to unwind and manage, improving ergonomics.
Cost Potentially higher material cost per roll (may vary).
Potentially lower overall cost due to savings on material, shipping, and potentially labor.
Sustainability Less sustainable – Contributes to landfill waste through discarded cores.
More sustainable – Reduces waste and promotes environmentally friendly practices.

Choosing the Right Stretch Film for Your Needs

The switch to coreless stretch film offers numerous advantages, but it’s not a universal solution. Here’s how to determine which film best suits your operation:

Factors to Consider:

  • Budget: Traditional film might have a lower upfront cost per roll. However, consider the long-term savings of coreless film on material, shipping, and potentially labor.
  • Volume of Use: High-volume packaging operations see the most significant benefits from coreless film due to reduced waste, handling ease, and potential labor savings.
  • Product Weight and Size: For very heavy or bulky products, traditional film with a thicker gauge might be necessary for optimal load security.
  • Sustainability Goals: If your company prioritizes eco-friendly practices, coreless film’s reduced waste significantly contributes to a sustainable packaging strategy


The packaging industry is evolving, and with it, so are the preferences for sustainable and efficient solutions. Coreless stretch film isn’t just a trend; it’s a revolution in how we approach the necessities of modern logistics. By taking a closer look at the advantages it offers over traditional film, your company can position itself at the forefront of innovation, all while contributing to a greener future.

This isn’t just about making a switch in the materials you use; it’s about transforming the way you think about packaging and its role in your business ecosystem. We invite you to explore the realm of coreless stretch film and consider how it could reshape your packaging practices for the better. Contact us today to begin the conversation and see how a simple change in film can lead to a significant transformation for your organization.


What are the common thicknesses available in coreless stretch film?

Common thicknesses are similar to those of traditional stretch film, ranging from 40 to 120-gauge, offering a suitable option for various pallet and load sizes.

Is coreless stretch film compatible with current dispensers?

Yes, many coreless stretch films can be used with existing dispensers, providing a smooth transition without the need for a complete overhaul of packaging equipment.

Will switching to coreless stretch film really save my company money?

While there may be an initial investment in converting to coreless stretch film, the long-term cost savings and operational efficiencies often outweigh the upfront expenses, making it a smart financial decision.

Is coreless stretch film as durable as traditional stretch film?

Yes, coreless stretch film is manufactured to the same stringent standards as traditional film, ensuring the protection and load stability that your products require in transit and storage.

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